This post is a resource for the 2016 challenge.  Click here for more information. 

It is helpful at times to see the big picture when you are reading the details of a book, so here is a brief description of the overall outline of Matthew.  The following is an excerpt from a very helpful book for Bible study. Read more

As part of our 2016 Challenge, we were tasked with reading Matthew 1 today.  While it is an incredible passage to read, it can be intimidating to apply.  Genealogies can be confusing and we can be tempted to skip over them.  So, I have included this excerpt from the ESV Study Bible, page 2573, to help us understand how we can make the most of this passage. Read more

Beginning January 3rd through April 24th we will work our way through the book of Philippians.  These months will provide for us a with an opportunity to examine consider Paul’s heart for the church in Phillipi. Read more

Some may not understand why I get so excited about a sermon series, so allow me to explain. First, it is the word of God and I am always amazed by the depth and hope of each passage. This is true of 1 John, because every passage is an explosion of life changing truth. Secondly, every new book has some unique benefits. You may be asking, “What are the unique benefits of 1 John?” Read more

Do you need a time to get away with the girls?  Have you been looking for something to do with your daughter or mother?  We have a wonderful opportunity for you Read more

When we think about the desperately lost places in the world we often think of Africa, Asia, or some place across the pond.  All the while, there is a multitude of lost nations just 14 hours from our front door (Cabool, MO).  Toronto, Canada has 6 million people living in the metropolitan area.  It contains 1/5 of the entire population of Canada and over 1/2 of the city’s population is foreign born. However,  in this diverse city there is only one Canadian National Baptist Convention church for every 167,000 people. As one church planter has stated,

The largest growing religion in Toronto is “none.”

Therefore there is desperate need to pray for workers for this harvest.

God in his divine wisdom has already begun this work.  In 2013 Daniel Yang and Mike Seaman answered this call to plant a church in this harvest field.  In January of 2013 these two men providentially met and God joined their hearts together around one agenda, making disciples in Toronto. Out of this meeting came the birth of Trinity Life Church (TLC) in September 2013.  God has blessed their efforts and allowed the seed of their core group to grow into 90 – 1oo regular attending adults.    Watch this video to hear their heart for the city and then consider doing more.

The Call to More


Please be in prayer for this ministry in the following ways:

  • The LGBTQ community is HUGE in Toronto and Canada. They are the most protected and elevated community, along with Muslims, within the city. Trinity Life Church desires to serve both of these communities and build bridges with the local churches. If they’re going to make any headway in their city with the gospel, then they need to actively pursue relationships here. They need much wisdom on this issue!
  • Space is a huge issue in Toronto especially downtown. Since they’re growing, they need a space that will accommodate them. The other issue is, space is very expensive in downtown. They need God to provide!
  • Pray God would bless them with continued fruitfulness in this diverse and much needed ministry.



As was stated before in a previous post, if we are to do more then we must care.  Take time to express your care by sending the leaders of this church a note of encouragement or a written prayer.  You can also follow the church on Facebook for more ways to encourage them.



Send Toronto is the North American Mission Board’s primary vehicle of supporting missions in Toronto.  When you give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering that money supports things such as church plants in this city.  Considering assisting our church reach its goal of $3,000 this year by giving over and above your regular offering Simply place it in the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering envelope and place it in the offering plate.

If you would like to give directly to Trinity Life Church and support their ministry you can do so here.


If you are interested in pursuing a mission trip to Toronto, please fill out the form below and begin praying that God would make a clear path for this ministry.