One Friday night of his ninth grade year he would question his salvation once again. He had probably asked Jesus into his heart 5,000 times before but was he sure? He had been baptized four times already but was that enough? These are pieces to the puzzle at the beginning of J.D. Greear’s excellent book, Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart. Though J.D. Greear is now 62nd President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, NC, and author of 20 plus Christian books, he too has struggled with assurance of Salvation. His honesty and readability combined with his experience and desire to help others helped create this practical book for every age. Read more

Everything that matters most to us will rise to the top of our thoughts. As we go throughout each day, our minds are bombarded by ideas concerning our families, jobs, hobbies, and even sleep. While I’m not sure what thoughts crowd your mind, I’m certain that all of us could think upon Christ more. This months song is a prayer intended to foster just those kinds of thoughts. Read more